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Maria Fernanda Narváez Peña


It is significant to establish through bibliographic review the importance of the integrating chair to help raise the retention and titling rate of universities.


The integrating chair is a tool to help young university students to know how their professional future will be, because they must develop different projects that will help them to link with society.


The lack of informative material for the development of this subject and the ignorance of many professionals in the subject has motivated that this article aims to establish through bibliographic review the main concepts, theories and the importance of the integrating chair in the pedagogical model of the educational institutions, but above all how to develop it according to the level of studies that the student is studying.


One of the objectives of this subject is to integrate the knowledge of all subjects into one so that they do not remain as isolated agents and thus the student achieves an integrating knowledge.


Teamwork is essential to achieve the objectives set in the subject not only the team work of students but all teachers and the manager because the purpose is to integrate the knowledge acquired in the classroom.


Finally in this article the reader can see how to develop the integrating chair according to the level where the subject is according to each study grid, as a main conclusion it can be highlighted that the integrating chair allows the growth of the knowledge acquired by teachers and students through educational projects that allow the student to connect with society and thus bring university students closer to the functions they will develop once they finish their studies.


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How to Cite
Narváez Peña, M. F. (2019). spanish. Espí­ritu Emprendedor TES, 3(3), 16–24.
Author Biography

Maria Fernanda Narváez Peña, Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja, Ecuador

Ingeniera en Administración Turística. Magister en Gestión de la Responsabilidad Social Corporativa. Docente de la Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja, Ecuador


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